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7 Rivers Figure Skating Club - Tomah and Sparta Wisconsin

Our Club

SEVEN RIVERS FIGURE SKATING CLUB (FSC) is an independent non-profit organization that is ran exclusively by volunteers. We are dedicated to providing skating opportunities and instruction to the communities in the Seven Rivers Region.  We are a member of United States Figure Skating Association, an approved U.S. Figure Skating Basic Skills, and offer a registered Learn to Skate U.S.A. Aspire Program. 

7 Rivers FSC Details

The club skates at Tomah Ice Rink and Sparta Ice Center throughout the skating season.  Our Skating Season begins in September and will finish up at the end of May.

Please below for skating opportunities, events and club information!


Group Lessons

7 Rivers FSC offers group skating lessons for Learn to Skate, Basic Skills, Aspire, and Freestyle Skaters each season from October through May.  In addition to Basic Skills Group lessons, we offer classes for Tricks, Jumps, Spins, Power, and Edges. 

Group Lessons


Club Teams

7 Rivers FSC has three skating teams, a High School Co-Op Team between Sparta and Tomah School Districts, an Introductory Synchronized Skating Team, and an Advanced Synchronized Skating Team.




7 Rivers FSC has an experienced, certified coaching staff that coach all levels of group lessons as well we offer private lesson opportunities.  We also have a cadre of Junior Coaches that help with Learn to Skate and Basic Level Classes.



Our Team

More information and contact information for the 7 Rivers FSC Board of Directors, Volunteer Opportunities, and Work Hour Requirements.  Volunteers are one of the most important resources to our club! 


7 Rivers FSC Club Events

Every season 7 Rivers FSC puts on two events, a Winter Showcase in December and a Spring Ice Show in April.




Winter Showcase

Every December, 7 Rivers FSC puts on a Winter Showcase!  This is a festive, fun event that allows skaters to show off their progress from the last few months and give each skater an opportunity to participate in a performance in front of a crowd of family and friends!  Expect more information on the Winter Showcase to be shared in November!

Spring Ice Show

Each spring, 7 Rivers FSC puts on an Annual Spring Ice Show!  This themed show features our senior skaters and includes performances from all levels of skaters in the club!  Each winter we announce a new, fun theme!  In the past 7 Rivers FSC has done Blades on Broadway, The Greatest Show on Ice, A Wickedly Twisted Happily Ever After, Game Night, and Adventure Awaits.  Keep an eye out for the Spring 2025 theme!  


7 Rivers FSC requires all skaters to have a current membership with Learn to Skate USA, Aspire through Learn to Skate USA, or U.S. Figure Skating Association.  Click the button below to learn about each level and membership type!

Club Memberships

Skating Resources

No matter your skating level, questions always come up!  Please see our Skating Resources page for club specific policies, Figure Skating Resources, and upcoming skating opportunities and testing.


Registration opens for Spring Session on Friday, March 21st.  Learn to Skate Registration opens on Thursday, March 27th at 6pm.

Drop-in Classes Available for Power and Edges Class.  Drop-in Private Ice is Available.

Session will run from Tuesday, April 8th - Tuesday, May 20th.  

Basic Skills and Learn to Skate Testing week will be May 18th.

Summer Session at Sparta Ice Arean TBD.
